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JPK CIT (SAF-T concerning CIT)

Get ready for new tax regulations in Poland

The Standard Audit File (JPK) is a comprehensive report that Polish companies are required to provide to the control authorities. The new obligation to provide files in the structure of JPK KR_PD (income tax) and JPK ST (fixed assets) is a proposal by the Ministry of Finance to streamline the process of controlling corporate income taxation. The new regulations are expected to come into force for the first group of taxpayers from 1 January 2025. Get ready for this change with our experts.

New obligations for entrepreneurs in 2026.

In 2026, businesses in Poland will face several new obligations, including, among others, mandatory use of the National e-Invoicing System (KSeF), submission of data in structured form of JPK_PKPiR, JPK_EWP and JPK_ST, and JPK_KR_PD (the so-called JPK CIT), ESG reporting, the Central Register of Excise Products and use of the National Electronic Delivery System.

Why start now?


You will avoid being overwhelmed by the responsibilities of making all the necessary changes at one time.


You will more easily organize your work in the face of cumulative changes.


You will save significant financial, time and personnel investment.


You will provide your organization with peace of mind.

Relying on a trusted partner, such as Apollogic, means providing your organisation with peace of mind and seamlessly implementing the necessary changes.

What do we offer?


a solution for data extraction from SAP,


an integrator for transferring data from SAP or alternative data sources to the JPK tool,


substantive support from SAP FI consultants,


technical support from SAP ABAP developers,


implementation and maintenance of a solution comprehensively supporting the JPK process from XML generation to handling the dispatch including an Official Confirmation of Receipt (UPO); implementations are possible for both new and existing structures (e.g. JPK V7M).

Learn about JPK KR_PDr

Watch the video and see how our app handles the new SAF-T structures concerning CIT

Why Apollogic?

sap partner

Long-time partnership with SAP

Experts and consultants, familiar with Polish regulations and local specifics

SAP consultants with deep understanding of polish local requirements

Experience working with various technologies and systems integration

Solutions tailored to customer needs

Doświadczenie w pracy z różnymi technologiami i integracją systemów

Cross-technological experience

Read about JPK application for SAP

Apollogic proprietary application for handling JPK is fully integrated with SAP systems. Our solution enables a comprehensive handling of the process – from report generation to file sending and collection of the Official Confirmation of Receipt.

Our solutions

Apollogic experts also offer support in other SAP-related areas.
Get to know our expertise and ensure SAP compliance with tax and legal requiremants.

Our solutions

Apollogic experts also offer support in other SAP-related areas.
Get to know our expertise and ensure SAP compliance with tax and legal requiremants.

Learn more about the implementation of JPK KR_PD for SAP.

Joanna Krasińska

Joanna Krasińska

Lead Nurturing & Growth Specialist