Our experts at SAP CodeJam Warsaw!
“SAP CodeJam Warsaw” took place on 24 April in Warsaw. Its main theme was SAP HANA Vora technology. It is a tool used to optimise memory queries and integrate data from multiple sources. It helps solve business problems related to the accumulation and processing large volumes of data (Big Data).
SAP HANA Vora – optimisation and integration of data from various sources
The event was attended by Marcin Świderski, Business Intelligence Team Manager and Przemysław Święcicki, SAP BI Consultant at Apollogic:
“Yesterday we had the opportunity to participate in SAP CodeJam in Warsaw. The topic of the meeting was SAP HANA Vora technology. This is a systematically developed tool offering brand new opportunities in the Big Data world.
We attended lectures and workshops moderated by Jason Hinsperger, Product Manager for SAP HANA Vora and Vitaliy Rudnytski.
The speakers touched upon such topics as:
– What SAP HANA Vora is now and what will happen in the future,
– SAP HANA Vora Engines – Time Series, Graph and Document Store,
– SAP HANA Vora superiority over other Big Data tools.
The most valuable for us was the opportunity to test new capabilities of SAP HANA Vora technology in practice. It was facilitated by a series of exercises we had to do ourselves. We could also exchange knowledge and experience during informal discussions with other participants.
Thank you and we look forward to more events of this kind! “, says Przemysław Święcicki.
SAP HANA Vora is one of the strategic solutions created by the technology giant, SAP. At Apollogic, we try to keep up to date with the latest technologies meant for businesses. That is why our experts have been exploring and developing the latest technologies to support businesses.
- On 27/04/2017