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E-Invoicing for SAP systems

Consulting and implementation services for structured invoices

New legal requirements compel companies to implement new solutions to integrate with central e-Invoicing system (called KSeF in Poland). The new regulations aim to streamline business-to-business settlements, eliminate errors and increase the transparency of transactions. If you want to minimise potential risks associated with, for example, future tax audits, it’s a good idea to invest early in appropriate KSeF-related tools.

On 26 April 2024 the Ministry of Finance has announced new dates for the introduction of the National e-Invoicing System. According to the latest findings, the system will enter in two stages:

  • 1 February 2026 for entrepreneurs whose sales value exceeds PLN 200 million,
  • 1 April 2026 for all other entrepreneurs.

What kind of assistance are you looking for?

Apollogic KSeF app for SAP

Integrate your SAP with the e-Invoicing system thanks to Apollogic dedicated app. Our cloud-based technology allows you to work seamlessly with the KSeF API, ensuring seamless communication regardless of your SAP version - ECC or S/4HANA.

Functional support for your IT team

Planning to implement the KSeF with your own IT team? Take advantage of our support! Our SAP FI consultants will support your team in defining the requirements and designing a solution tailored for your company's specific needs and business processes. This cooperation includes the planning phase and supervision of the direct implementation in your SAP system.

ABAP development

If you are running an e-Invoicing project for SAP in-house with you own team, our ABAP consultant can provide valuable support, complementing and enhancing your team's expertise. Apollogic ABAP specialists will customise and optimise your SAP solutions to ensure seamless integration with KSeF, creating custom scripts or interfaces. This way you will use full potential of your e-invoicing path in SAP, ensuring compliance and streamlining business processes.

Full-scale implementation of SAP DRC solution

SAP DRC (Document and Reporting Compliance) is most often chosen for e-Invoicing by companies looking to standardise IT systems in their foreign entities. We offer support at every stage of the SAP DRC implementation, from pre-implementation consultation, through selection of the appropriate solution, to implementation, training and end-user support.

SAP FI consultants support

If you’re implementing SAP DRC in-house, take advantage of our dedicated functional support. This service is dedicated to companies with own technical team, looking for local, substantive support from a team of SAP FI-CO consultants in Poland.

Maintenance (Managed Services Support)

We provide the necessary technical support and consultation once the system has been implemented by your internal team or another Partner. We offer specialised maintenance services, helping you to resolve ongoing issues, update the system and adapt it to changing regulations and business needs, guaranteeing continued efficiency and operational compliance.

SAP systems rollouts

Adapt your SAP from the head office template to the specifications and legal requirements applicable in Poland. The goal of a rollout is to ensure that the Polish subsidiary can effectively use the SAP modules, like FI, SD or MM, in accordance with local accounting, fiscal and business regulations.

Within rollout service, our experts analyze and develop the global template to adjust it to Polish characteristics, such as:

  • VAT and JPK management: Adaptation of the data reporting system to the requirements of the Ministry of Finance.
  • Accounting settlement: Implementation of functionalities appropriate to Polish accounting and tax regulations.
  • Purchasing and sales procedures: Modification of SD and MM processes to meet Polish conditions, including specifications for invoices, purchase orders and terms of delivery.
  • Local reporting: Create reports compliant with Polish law – including financial reports and other documents required by Polish institutions.


The e-invoicing consultancy service for SAP includes a comprehensive analysis of the IT systems readiness to meet the new requirements. We offer a detailed assessment of the customer’s infrastructure, identify the changes needed and recommend the best technical solutions to enable seamless communication with the KSeF system.

Legal and tax advisory

This service is provided by external partners – tax and legal experts. It includes analysis of your company’s purchasing and sales procedures, contractual provisions and general terms and conditions. It focuses on ensuring compliance with current VAT regulations (including e-invoicing requirements) and with civil law to minimize the risk of fraudulent actions by contractors and avoid legal pitfalls. Our partners also offer professional support in implementing the changes necessary to safeguard your business against potential risks.

New obligations for entrepreneurs in 2026.

In 2026, businesses in Poland will face several new obligations, including, among others, mandatory use of the National e-Invoicing System (KSeF), submission of data in structured form of JPK_PKPiR, JPK_EWP and JPK_ST, and JPK_KR_PD (the so-called JPK CIT), ESG reporting, the Central Register of Excise Products and use of the National Electronic Delivery System.

Why start now?


You will avoid being overwhelmed by the responsibilities of making all the necessary changes at one time.


You will more easily organize your work in the face of cumulative changes.


You will save significant financial, time and personnel investment.


You will provide your organization with peace of mind.

Relying on a trusted partner, such as Apollogic, means providing your organisation with peace of mind and seamlessly implementing the necessary changes.

Why Apollogic

Ensure compliance with Ministry requirements with our KSeF support. Contact us to find out how we can help you effectively implement and manage e-Invoicing and minimize the burden on your team.


We have years of experience in implementing and maintaining SAP systems


You gain full transparency of what is happening at every stage of the cooperation, as we work on the basis of a well-established project methodology


Our consultants are certified experts in finance and accounting


The implementation projects are tailored to individual business needs


Your systems will be integrated with proprietary tools


We offer a comprehensive set of financial and accounting solutions for SAP systems

Want to learn more?

Reach out to our experts

Joanna Krasińska

Joanna Krasińska

Lead Nurturing & Growth Specialist