Social media analytics in real time

- 25th January 2019
- Knowledge base
- 3 min

What is ApoTwitterBoard?
Contemporary companies must face the analysis of voluminous data from various sources, such as social media. The correct analysis of information generated by users of such portals as Twitter or Facebook may help companies gain new customers and achieve a permanent competitive advantage. As a response to the growing market expectations, in the scope of social media analytics, Apollogic Business Intelligence team prepared a solution which in real time is able to analyse the content from Twitter.
The author’s solution enables companies to observe ongoing tweets containing specific key words and displaying statistics connected with the most popular hashtags.
ApoTwitterBoard underlines content coming from users most popular in Twitter. A significant functionality are also visualisations built-in the solution. There is a possibility of visualising tweets on the map with their geolocation. The elements of visualisation may be changed and adjusted by the user according to its needs which ensures valuable personalisation.
ApoTwitterBoard guarantees the performance of a sentimental analysis and examination of attitudes and feelings of customers related to a given product or a service. It allows for discovering trends and usable opinions accordingly in time, and also correct responses to them. A set of statistics supplied by ApoTwitterBoard provides entrepreneurs with a valuable insight based on social media analytics.
This solution is based on Spark Streaming technology which enables scalable, high-efficiency and error-resistant data stream processing in real time.
Business benefits
Access to valuable analytical insight
ApoTwitterBoard functionalities provide access to analyses and visualisations of data obtained from social media.
Real-time marketing
Thanks to identifying most important hashtags this tool enables their use in ongoing marketing campaigns.
Visualisations generated in real time depict changing trends.
Exploring the latest trends
This solution enables determining the latest trends connected with a selected topic.
ApoTwitterBoard is equipped with trends analysis in terms of localisation. It provides the recognition of needs in a target group in a selected localisation.
Modern and simple user interface
Thanks to implementing the latest UX standards this tool has a flexible and simple interface.
Want to learn more about social media analytics in real time?
- On 25/01/2019