Industry 4.0 means a transition from a traditional to a smart factory model, mainly through automation of processes, Internet of Things solutions, AI algorithms, connectivity, and data analysis. By using modern technologies, you can reduce costs and increase the efficiency of production processes while improving the quality of manufactured goods.
Discover the potential of Industry 4.0 solutions
Cloud Computing
Mixed Reality
Big Data
With the fourth industrial revolution, manufacturing companies achieve greater process transparency, use assets more efficiently and reduce downtime. Modern factories can respond faster to rapidly changing market demands while minimizing final production costs by redefining the production and work practices with digital tools and smart, connected devices.
Tomasz Radomski, Digital Transformation Advisor
Raspberry Pi Approved Design Partner
RapidLab, an IoT & rapid prototyping brand from Apollogic group, offers technical support in integrating Raspberry Pi devices into customers’ products.
Industry 4.0 solutions offered by Apollogic Group brands:
Apollogic and its partner brands have been creating solutions for Industry 4.0 for many years, developing both custom tools and implementing products from global digital transformation leaders such as Microsoft and SAP.
Predictive maintenance
Predict machine failure before it happens by using IoT sensors, cameras and artificial intelligence algorithms.
Face detection and recognition system
A solution for automatic access control with data protection through image processing directly on the device.
Bring your old machines up to industry 4.0 standards by connecting them to the network and adding Industrial Internet of Things sensors.
Automated quality control
Artificial intelligence algorithms combined with cameras help manage quality on the production line by detecting errors, disturbances and unwanted items.
Automating repetitive operations
Minimize costs and accelerate workflows by automating routine operations so your employees can get on with more important tasks.
ADMA technology audit
Find out what stage of digital transformation your company is at and get recommendations for next steps.