We train!
Personal development is one of our priority values – without personal development a modern company has no chance to develop properly. It seems to be especially important in such areas as product management, soft skills, and keeping pace with market trends. We implement that goal organizing trainings and workshops on site.
One of such trainings, which some of our team members participated in, was called “Building own image as a specialist in project work”. One of the goals of the training was learning the principles of self presentation, perfecting skills of participation in project recruitment interviews, and exchange of good practices in the area of working with clients on IT projects. Piotr Ożga, our Business Software Developer, summarised the training as follows:
It was primarily about self-presentation. In the framework of the training we did a lot of exercises on presentation and on dealing with uncomfortable situations which may occur during a presentation. There were a few hilarious moments, but we also learned a good deal of skills which will certainly be helpful in future work.
In the second part of September we will study the issue of Design Thinking in more detail. This training is expected to direct our developers towards such project thinking which situates the customer’s problem is in the centre of attention. In order to achieve this, we are going to use a number of tools originating from the Silicon Valley. The main clue of this training is for our employees to be able to read the clients’ comments and remarks as a potential ground for jointly developed services.
In the future we also plan a training related to stress management. Believe us – in our field they are sometimes really helpful 🙂
- On 28/08/2015