Integration Days at Apollogic!
A bit more than a week ago, on 7th of February, Apollogic employees met at the next edition of Integration Days – APODay, winter 2015.
This is a kind of extraordinary meeting at which employees from all teams (Innovation, ERP, CRM, SRM, Business Intelligence) have a chance to share their experiences during 15-minutes speeches.
Each team doesn’t only show off what was achieved in the last semester, but also brings closer current market trends and technologies on which they are going to work in the near future. It is an unique chance to awaken your passions and also to find a project to which you can join.
Inspirational speeches are perfect occasion to exchange knowledge and experiences with external experts what always makes APODays high-class in terms of topics brought on. It stimulates a lot of creative exchanges and brainstorms about different views and opinions.
Our workers have the possibility to test themselves in public speeches with bigger audience, and thanks to Team leaders are able to raise their awareness of mistakes made and increase the quality of the presentations given.
This year, leading topics include all these connected with Internet of Things. This concept assumes that particular objects are able to communicate with each other through computer network. It means that fridge, car, Hi-Fi or television will be able to link with our mobile phone for the purpose of collecting, processing and exchanging of data. This can be possible by beacons – microcomputers based on Bluetooth Low Energy technology which are in Apollogic’s field of interest. Currently, we realize projects using beacons and prepare implementation scenarios, which will allow traditional sellers to get detailed data about consumer’s behaviors.
During this integration days main values that defines Apollogic everyday’s work (and that we try to follow) were also presented. These are:
– Harmony – a balance between private life and work life,
– Development – linked with building a career path, active seeking for knowledge and getting job satisfaction,
– Challenge – identified with putting ambitious targets, participating in innovative projects requiring getting new abilities and knowledge,
– Reputation – realized through providing a chance to work in prestigious place, making it possible to develop,
– Individualism – released by openness to creative and unusual ideas and nonroutine way of thinking.
After day full of attractions, further part of integration took place in Japanese restaurant GoKo where our main goal was to learn how to prepare sushi.
Event lasted for 3 hours instead of planned 2 – all this thanks to very inspiring instructors who not only managed to make our colleagues go through the whole process of preparation of this famous meal from sour rice but also familiarized them with history and tradition of the Land of the Rising Sun.
Late evening, whole Apollogic team went to one of Poznan’s clubs – Blueberry Bar. Party lasted until early morning hours.
Thank you very much and see you in just half a year!
- On 17/02/2015