The need to adapt operations to the evolving business environment, dynamically changing customer requirements and the growing employee-centric culture mean that modern organizations must constantly strive to gain a competitive advantage. Improvement is most quickly achieved through internal and external process optimization and automation. As an experienced technology partner we can identify areas of your organization that have the greatest potential to implement changes resulting in increased competitiveness.

Today's businesses operate in an environment of intense competition and ever-increasing customer demands. Therefore, the overarching goal of digital transformation initiatives is to help organizations streamline processes and increase market advantage. Smart digital technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning and IoT can transform the way we do business, communicate with customers and compete in the international marketplace.
Tomasz Radomski, VP Apollogic, Digital Transformation Advisor
AI and IoT-driven process automation
In every organization, there are a number of activities and tasks performed manually every day that can be successfully automated. Using IoT-based solutions you will speed up key processes while reducing human intervention, cutting labor costs and minimizing the risk of errors. Additional support in the form of artificial intelligence algorithms will allow you to constantly improve operations, predict potential failures or eliminate the negative effects of breakdowns and downtime.
Factory of the future
Companies looking to take advantage of the latest digital transformation solutions can benefit from a technology audit to determine the level of digital maturity of the enterprise and build a roadmap with recommended solutions and the benefits achievable through their use. By working with an experienced partner, you can easily move your factory into the era of Industry 4.0 and discover the vast possibilities it offers.
Low-code & no-code development
In order to accelerate business processes and automate time-consuming activities, it is not necessary to implement a complex IT system and spend many months building the appropriate software. There is an increasing interest in applications built from ready predefined elements, which in combination with the Microsoft Azure environment facilitate workflows and allow you to extend the functionality of the existing solutions.
Better customer service
Growing competition, dynamic technological development and changes in buyers’ behavior present companies with new challenges. Today’s consumers have many expectations from brands, counting on immediate response to their needs and individual approach to each request. Companies with thousands of customers can benefit from the support of systems optimizing customer service. Thanks to built-in mechanisms of artificial intelligence and easy integration with other tools they can solve the most frequently encountered problems, and in case of lack of data – they will redirect the request to the appropriate consultant.
Better visibility for your products
The availability of the right product at the time a customer makes a purchase decision is critical to sales success. Changing purchasing behaviors and decreasing customer loyalty are driving organizations to maximize product visibility on the store shelf. By leveraging digital tools, sales managers can differentiate their brand’s offerings from the competition and get shoppers to reach for their products more often.

According to the report "Cloud 2030: Capturing Poland’s potential for accelerated digital growth" prepared by global consulting firm McKinsey & Company, for migration to the cloud to bring tangible benefits, it should be supported by a business perspective on how to leverage agility, innovation and scalability to achieve competitive advantage or operational efficiency. At Apollogic, we support organizations at every stage of digital transformation and help them manage the changes on the path to becoming a smart enterprise.
Tomasz Radomski, VP Apollogic, Digital Transformation Advisor
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